Monday, May 2, 2011


Dear Readers:

PART 3 of 3: Governor Shumlin Involvement in "Mohickan Mohegan" Resolution

Peter Shumlin, then a state senator, now the governor. The below resolution shows how heavily involved and supportive then Senator Peter Shumlin was of the "Mohickans and Cheif Golden Eagle" by answering the question posed; Shall the joint resolution be adopted in concurrence? moving to add a clause and actually have the resolution mailed to "Cheif Golden Eagle" P.O. Box.

He was uneducated of native history then, as he is now. How are we supposed to take him or any Vermont legislator seriously? Unfortunately, we don't have a choice. They thought that Ron Roberts and the “Mohickan Mohegan” were a real Indian people and tribe. And in 2011 they’re making the same embarrassing mistake with the “Elnu,” the “Nulhegan” and other fake "tribes" next in line at of Vermont’s revolving door of fake tribes.

Vermont legislators, and State legislators across the Nations, are continually getting scammed by hucksters dressed up as “Indians”. One would think Vermont learned its lesson and not allow history to repeat itself. A embarrassing moment, now a dark eye on Vermont’s own history.

Please see the Journal affirming the resolution to legitimize the "Mohickans" below:
Journal of the Senate



Joint Resolution Adopted in Concurrence with Proposal of Amendment

Joint House resolution entitled: J.R.H. 55.

Joint resolution commending the education and cultural endeavors of Vermonters of Mohickan Mohegan ancestry and requesting that the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Native American Affairs assist them as set forth in Executive Order No. 97-90.

Having been placed on the Calendar for action, was taken up.

Thereupon, pending the question, Shall the joint resolution be adopted in concurrence?

Senator Shumlin moved that the Senate propose to the House to amend the joint resolution in the last Resolved Clause by striking out the period and inserting in lieu thereof a comma and the following additional Resolved Clause:

, and be it further

RESOLVED: That the Secretary of State be directed to forward a copy of this resolution to Chief Golden Eagle (Ronald Roberts) of the Mohickan Mohegan Indian Nation of Vermont at Box 208 in Poultney, Vermont 04765.

Which was agreed to.

Thereupon, the pending question, Shall the joint resolution be adopted in concurrence with proposal of amendment? was decided in the affirmative.

Joint Resolutions Adopted in Concurrence

Sunday, May 1, 2011


PART 2 of 3: Joint Resolution No. R-90 in Vermont

Vermont legislators passed the following sham resolution, with lots of Vermont legislators getting scammed by the false claimant Ron Roberts - Mohickan Mohegans:

Offered by: Representatives Maslack of Poultney, Waite of Pawlet, Alfano of Calais, Allard of St. Albans Town, Angell of Randolph, Baker of West Rutland, Barney of Highgate, Blanchard of Essex, Bourdeau of Hyde Park, Bristol of Brattleboro, Brown of Walden, Buckland of Newport Town, Carmolli of Rutland City, Colvin of Bennington, Crawford of Burke, Cross of Winooski, Dakin of Colchester, Darrow of Dummerston, Deen of Westminster, Deuel of West Rutland, Emmons of Springfield, Flaherty of South Burlington, Flory of Pittsford, Freed of Dorset, Gervais of Enosburg, Ginevan of Middlebury, Gray of Barre Town, Hathaway of Barton, Houston of Ferrisburg, Howrigan of Fairfield, Hube of Londonderry, Hudson of Lyndon, Hyde of Fayston, Johnson of Canaan, Kehler of Pomfret, Krasnow of Charlotte, Krawczyk of Bennington, Kreitzer of Rutland City, LaBarge of Grand Isle, Larocque of Barnet, Larrabee of Danville, Little of Shelburne, Livingston of Manchester, Marron of Stowe, Masland of Thetford, Mazur of South Burlington, McGrath of Ferrisburg, McNamara of Burlington, Metzger of Milton, Miller of Shaftsbury, Molloy of Arlington, Moore of Rutland City, Morrissey of Bennington, Neiman of Georgia, O'Donnell of Vernon, Osman of Plainfield, Perry of Richford, Pike of Mendon, Poirier of Barre City, Postman of Brownington, Quaid of Williston, Richardson of Weathersfield, Rusten of Halifax, Schiavone of Shelburne, Seibert of Norwich, Smith of Sudbury, Starr of Troy, Suchmann of Chester, Sullivan of Burlington, Sweaney of Windsor, Sweetser of Essex, Towne of Berlin, Vincent of Waterbury, Vinton of Colchester, Willett of St. Albans City, Winters of Williamstown and Zuckerman of Burlington.

Whereas, improving one's knowledge of the various cultures that are represented in Vermont's population is a worthy objective, and
Whereas, it is particularly important that young persons are educated about the diverse backgrounds that can be found within the state's borders, and
Whereas, in an effort to teach Vermonters about Mohickan Mohegan culture, Vermonters of this ancestry have traveled throughout the state to present lectures and presentations at schools and other locations, and
Whereas, these programs have enlightened the audiences about this culture and have won praise from teachers and school principals, and
Whereas, Vermonters of Mohickan Mohegan ancestry are now embarking on a more ambitious endeavor to establish a cultural village in southern Vermont that will feature displays and other educational activities that will provide the visitor a firsthand demonstration of Mohickan Mohegan life and an opportunity to engage in other economic development endeavors, and
Whereas, this cultural village and other economic initiatives have the potential to be major educational, cultural and tourist facilities, now therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly commends the important educational and cultural endeavors that Vermonters of Mohickan Mohegan ancestry have initiated and plan to develop in Vermont and requests that the Governor's Advisory Commission on Native American Affairs assist Vermonters of verifiable Mohickan Mohegan ancestry as set forth in Executive Order

No. 97-90, and be it further

Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to forward a copy of this resolution to Chief Golden Eagle (Ronald Roberts) of the Mohickan Mohegan Indian Nation of Vermont at Box 208 in Poultney, Vermont 04764.

Without question legislators passed the Joint Resolution, placing in jeopardy the historical integrity of the Mohican and Mohegan Nations, two Federally Recognized tribes, historically known in the region. The integrity and credibility of Indian people and the tribes impacted was also breached by the States malefeasence.

The resolution was rescinded, there is no such “tribe Mohickans” and this fact should have lain to rest any further attempts at legislating ANYTHING in regards to Native peoples after the truth came to light. Legislators failed in a major way.

How could they think there was a “tribe” called the Mohickans!?

This is the $64,000 question, based on Vermonts current day attempt at State Recognition. 2 groups claiming my ancestors, that I pointed out in the fabricated applications of these "tribes" "Elnu and Nulhegan", still has not been addressed, agian without question.

The State breached the trust of Native peoples far and wide by the Ron Roberts major debacle, and legislators failed Vermont citizens by placing them at risk for fraud by this huckster.

Legislators failed then to ask hard questions, taking verbatim Ron Roberts told them. Why? Because he “looked and dressed” like an Indian. Legislators also failed in their duty of due diligence of protecting the historical integrity of the Mohican and Mohegan Nations.

The debacle with Ron Roberts proves legislators and the Governor are not equipped to make such decisions.

Vermont failed in its first attempt by legitimizing a “fake tribe” in Vermont just a few years ago. History should not have been allowed to repeat this embarressment and blatant infringement on aborignal rights.

Abenaki Justice will prevail in the second attempt.