PART 3 of 3: Governor Shumlin Involvement in "Mohickan Mohegan" Resolution
Peter Shumlin, then a state senator, now the governor. The below resolution shows how heavily involved and supportive then Senator Peter Shumlin was of the "Mohickans and Cheif Golden Eagle" by answering the question posed; Shall the joint resolution be adopted in concurrence? moving to add a clause and actually have the resolution mailed to "Cheif Golden Eagle" P.O. Box.
He was uneducated of native history then, as he is now. How are we supposed to take him or any Vermont legislator seriously? Unfortunately, we don't have a choice. They thought that Ron Roberts and the “Mohickan Mohegan” were a real Indian people and tribe. And in 2011 they’re making the same embarrassing mistake with the “Elnu,” the “Nulhegan” and other fake "tribes" next in line at of Vermont’s revolving door of fake tribes.
Vermont legislators, and State legislators across the Nations, are continually getting scammed by hucksters dressed up as “Indians”. One would think Vermont learned its lesson and not allow history to repeat itself. A embarrassing moment, now a dark eye on Vermont’s own history.
Please see the Journal affirming the resolution to legitimize the "Mohickans" below:
Journal of the Senate
Joint House resolution entitled: J.R.H. 55.
Joint resolution commending the education and cultural endeavors of Vermonters of Mohickan Mohegan ancestry and requesting that the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Native American Affairs assist them as set forth in Executive Order No. 97-90.
Having been placed on the Calendar for action, was taken up.
Thereupon, pending the question, Shall the joint resolution be adopted in concurrence?
Senator Shumlin moved that the Senate propose to the House to amend the joint resolution in the last Resolved Clause by striking out the period and inserting in lieu thereof a comma and the following additional Resolved Clause:
, and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Secretary of State be directed to forward a copy of this resolution to Chief Golden Eagle (Ronald Roberts) of the Mohickan Mohegan Indian Nation of Vermont at Box 208 in Poultney, Vermont 04765.
Which was agreed to.
Thereupon, the pending question, Shall the joint resolution be adopted in concurrence with proposal of amendment? was decided in the affirmative.
Joint Resolutions Adopted in Concurrence
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